Dates & venue

    Nordic.js takes place 6-7 October at Magasin 9, which is located at Frihamnsgatan 66, 115 56 Stockholm.


    If you haven't updated your ticket details yet, now is the time to do so. Simply search your inbox for "Here's your ticket to Nordic.js" and follow the link. This is extra important if you're allergic or have special food preferences. Friday, 9 September is the last day to update your ticket information.


    When you register, you'll get a badge that will give you access to the conference and the party.

    Thursday Dinner with new friends

    Want to have dinner together with five people you haven’t met before? We have reserved tables at our favorite restaurants in town. Register and we’ll hook you up with five new people and let you know at what restaurant you should show up at. Dinner is on Thursday and starts at 7 pm and is paid by you. (You can get a main course for around 300 SEK at all of these restaurants). Register here. 

    Lightning talks

    We will have two lightning talk sessions that will take place at the end of each day. All conference attendees are welcome to contribute. Each talk should be around 5 minutes long - you can apply for a slot when you get to the conference or send in a proposal now.¨

    Bring your swimwear

    Remember to pack swimwear! We'll have a sauna and bathtub area on the pier.

    The party

    We're planning something special for this year's conference party happening on Friday, 7 October. We really hope that you'll want to stick around for that. More info is coming soon!